Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Movie Recommendation via Video Blog

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I can't find a place to record my video blog that won't disturb others so I have to speak through written words. But if I could speak and it wouldn't take Uterrli 2 hours to post or not freeze...I would say to go see Paranormal Activity because it will leave you thinking that you are hearing noises in your sleep. All sounds begin to paranoid you. You will not trust anyone to sleep in the same room with you. You'll start imagining things. But all that wears off after about a day. Paranormal Activity is just fun, scary and creepy. It is filmed Blair Witch Style. Another movie that is playing at the Chicago Film Festival is "Precious" and stars Mo'Nique and Mariah Carey and Lenny Kravitz. It is getting Oscar buzz and it looks really good!! The trailer speaks for itself.

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